It's like Googling your unconscious.

The answers are in you, sometimes you just need a gentle nudge.

So do you tarot? (Yep, it's a verb.)

I've used The Wild Unknown Tarot deck for a bit over four years. I use it by pulling a card every morning every morning and when I miss, I feel the absence. Here are some things that I've learned by engaging in this daily practice:

  • I'm often swirling around something but I can't quite name it. It's uncanny how often the card I pull names it for me. The byproduct of that is often a shift in perspective that can lead to some writing or even better, clear motivation for new action.

  • Occasionally I'll pull the same card for two (even three! It's happened) days in a row for those times when I'm an extra slow learner. Or the same card or cards within a suit will just show up a lot in a given month. It's never not an invitation to take a deep pause and reflect. 

  • Sometimes I'll pull a card in the morning hour and it's one that is not particularly in the upper register of emotions that I prefer, like the Nine of Swords, and I'm all, Wrong, Tarot! I don't have no stinkin' anxious thoughts or worries until that night, that is. It will be the last hour before I go to bed and sure enough, something will get me spinning. Maybe that's confirmation bias but it's not like I think about the card all day waiting for a shoe to drop either. I like to think it's just magic like that. That's a bias too, I just like that one better.

  • Finally, tarot has been an invaluable tool in my recovery. Some people use a daily reflections book (I wrote a really good one if you don't have it, btw), but tarot always resonated with me best. I think it's because it doesn't tell me what to do and instead, it asks me to dive into my own well of knowings. If sovereignty is a human aspiration, tarot is the best way I've found to build the muscle.

I've resisted buying other decks than The Wild Unknown because I've just wanted to learn this one thoroughly. I'm happy with that choice and now I honestly feel I'm connected to it. A friend recommended this one and for the first time I'm considering adding a second deck (it is really beautiful). I feel like I could make a clean transition between the two now without sacrificing any energy. 

So, do you tarot? Tell me about your experience, I'd love to hear. And if you don't have a pretty silk to wrap your deck's energy in, I make beautiful tarot card bags. They are few-of-a-kind, as they are made from recycled fabrics. That's an extra dose of juju right there, but perhaps I'm biased.
