Your Daily Unruffled: 365 Days of Reflections and Prompts For Your Creativity and Recovery

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Your Daily Unruffled: 365 Days of Reflections and Prompts For Your Creativity and Recovery


This is a book of daily reflections that is specifically geared to women recovering from alcohol dependence. There are 365 reflections for each day of the year followed with a creative prompt. Most of the prompts are to inspire creative thinking or to help the reader dig a little deeper into her own recovery, however some of the prompts offer real, actionable creative ideas. This was a pure labor of love and I hope you meets you where you need it.

xoxo, Sondra

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This is a book that I have been working on for three years. The prompts are simple and most require only a pen and journal. Creativity has been the life-source of my own recovery. If you are newly sober and need some creativity in your life or if you have some sober time, this book will help fortify your creative path.

Thank you.

xoxo, Sondra